So Close, Yet the Status Quo Continues
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we enter the holiday season, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported my campaign and attended our post-election gathering. Meeting so many of you, especially those with whom I hadn’t connected before, truly was inspiring.
Although we didn’t achieve the outcome for which we had hoped, falling short by just 277 votes shows that many in Princeton are ready for change. This gives me hope. It’s clear that a significant number of residents recognize the need for new perspectives and accountability on the BOE, making these reflections all the more important.
A Propaganda Machine Disguised as Parent Advocacy
One of the most eye-opening lessons from this campaign is how the PTO appeared to act as a propaganda machine for the BOE. Instead of fostering balanced dialogue, forums hosted by PTO groups often felt like tests arranged to gauge candidates’ alignment with the current BOE’s agenda. This dynamic stifles diverse perspectives and undermines the PTO’s potential to represent all parents.
Even more troubling, current BOE members have blurred ethical lines by actively advocating for the upcoming referendum. Such actions may violate the New Jersey School Ethics Act, which safeguards public trust by requiring impartiality. If the referendum truly makes sense, why does the district need a PR firm to convince taxpayers or PTO-hosted lunches to sway parents? These efforts suggest a lack of confidence in the referendum’s merits and highlight the urgent need for transparency.
The Reality of Local Politics
Another significant takeaway is the entrenched nature of local politics in Princeton, despite the BOE’s supposed nonpartisan role. A small group of political elites dominates. This influence was evident in subtle biases during forums, in letters to the editor, and in media coverage.
Letters supportive of candidates with fresh or differing perspectives often were minimized or edited, while views favoring the status quo were prominently featured. This imbalance discourages meaningful debate and reinforces the echo chamber of groupthink, making real progress nearly impossible.
Integrity and Resilience in the Face of Misinformation
This campaign also exposed the harsh realities of misinformation and personal attacks. Being labeled a racist by individuals who didn’t know me was both hurtful and disheartening. However, it strengthened my belief that political discourse must be grounded in facts and integrity.
Princeton deserves leaders who prioritize collaboration and honesty over divisive rhetoric. This election underscores the need for independent voices willing to challenge the status quo. To those considering a run for local office, I urge you to step forward. Our town needs diverse perspectives and leaders unafraid to stand up for what’s right, even in the face of adversity.
Moving Forward: Financial Sustainability
I plan to retire here in Princeton because I deeply value this community. My continued advocacy stems from wanting my children to have the option to raise their families here—without being shackled by financial burdens caused by unchecked spending. Princeton’s spending practices have become unsustainable, resembling a financial “Ponzi scheme.” In the past five years, taxpayers have been asked to approve three referendums totaling $57 million. Now, another $90 million is on the table. When will it ever end?
Mail-in ballots for this special election will start arriving next week, and in-person voting is scheduled for January 28, 2025. Why schedule a costly special election in the middle of winter, making it harder for seniors and busy working parents to vote? A more responsible approach would allow time to explore cost-saving measures and operational efficiencies referenced by the newly elected board members during the campaign before asking taxpayers for more money.
Join the Conversation
I’m committed to fostering a balanced dialogue about Princeton’s financial future. I’ll be hosting a webinar to share my research and insights about the referendum. If you’re interested, please join us and spread the word among like-minded residents. This is a critical moment for our community, and I urge everyone to become informed and make decisions that reflect their family’s priorities and values. You can register here.
Thank you again for your support and encouragement throughout this journey. Together, we can build a better future for Princeton—one rooted in equity, transparency, and true representation.